KANZAN Spezialpapiere GmbH
Nippesstraße 5 52349 Düren


For the region. And the planet.

Naturally sustainable. Out of pure self-interest.

At KANZAN, we think long-term by nature. Since our foundation in 1990, and – to put it bluntly – out of pure self-interest.

Because our sustainable thinking extends to the three pillars of ecological, social and economic sustainability. KANZAN’s entrepreneurial success is not possible without sustainable thinking in these pillars. And that is why we act according to the maxim that our business activities today must not restrict the activities of future generations

We even go one step further and say that our actions should help to ensure that future generations have a better status quo. Admittedly: A big goal. But a goal that we get a little closer to every day with every decision we make.

At KANZAN, we look at sustainability from the many different perspectives of the resources we use: raw materials, water, electricity and steam. We work with them in machines, buildings and other infrastructure. The people at KANZAN use their expertise, innovative spirit and ideas to create the future-oriented papers that are useful to our customers and end users around the world.

If we were not sustainable, we would not be successful. Each of these perspectives is therefore part of sustainable thinking and offers many innovative starting points for ever better sustainable action.

KANZAN and the United Nations Global Compact

Our parent company Oji is a member of the United Nations Global Compact initiative. Based on the ten universal principles and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, it pursues the vision of a more inclusive and sustainable economy. For us at KANZAN, these 17 goals are also the guideline for anchoring sustainability in our company.

Let’s get specific!

Seven examples of sustainability at KANZAN

Water is of fundamental importance for paper production. We cover our water requirements with the surface water of the Rur. Our aim is to
continuously reduce the amount of water required per ton of paper. For example,
by increasing recycling or using water-saving production technology.

Our process water is treated in the north of Düren in a wastewater treatment plant operated by the Eifel-Rur water association. A multi-stage process of mechanical and biological purification is used, which cleans the water efficiently and safely according to the latest findings before it is returned to the Rur – in the best possible condition.

This means that we do not consume the vast majority of the water, but only use it for a short period of time before returning it to nature.

At KANZAN, we are following the ambitious CO2
reduction target of the entire Oji Group. KANZAN wants to halve its CO2 emissions by 2030.

Paper production requires electricity to drive the machines and steam to dry the paper.

We produce electricity and steam simultaneously in our own power plant using highly efficient combined heat and power generation. This enables us to achieve efficiencies that are almost twice as high as those of conventional power plants.

We will replace the fossil primary energy sources currently in use. We will be commissioning our new biomass power plant as early as 2026. The biomass will then come from landscape conservation measures, sawmill residue and waste wood: Renewable and almost CO2-neutral fuels that will take us a big step forward in climate protection.

The best energy for the environment and the cheapest for the company is energy that does not have to be produced in the first place. That’s why we not only look at the way we generate energy, but also strategically and systematically search for potential energy savings.

The certified energy management system is our tool for achieving this and, as a continuous process, constantly brings new potential savings to light. Every kilowatt hour saved counts. For KANZAN. And even more so for the environment. 

The starting point for our papers is pulp obtained from wood. We only
buy pulp of the highest quality that comes from an elemental chlorine-free
production process (ECF). However, we at KANZAN go one step further and have
committed ourselves to using only pulp from controlled production – preferably
from FSC-certified sources.

This means, for example, that we do not use pulp that

  • was obtained from illegally felled wood
  • comes from forest areas where traditional or basic civil rights are violated
  • comes from genetically modified trees
  • comes from natural forests that have been converted to plantations or non-forestry use
  • was produced from wood from natural forests and forests worthy of special protection

Innovation is of central importance for all input materials used in our
thermal paper production. As the technology leader in our industry, we drive
innovation with our developers. We think outside the box so that new ideas are
constantly emerging and new, environmentally friendly input materials can be
integrated into our production processes.

To this end, we work closely with our suppliers in a joint mission to produce even more resource-efficiently. Together, we are constantly researching new formulations that combine high functionality and consistent quality with an even smaller ecological footprint for our products.

And the best thing is that we can combine our own thermal paper expertise with that of our colleagues in Japan, the USA, Brazil and Thailand. There is a lot of potential and concentrated knowledge in the Oji Group.

Our most important source of success is our employees, the people at
KANZAN. They are our most important assets and the decisive foundation for our
success. For them, we want to be an environment in which everyone can fully
contribute their skills, their enjoyment of performance and their enjoyment of
working in a team.

To this end, KANZAN creates the framework and conditions to promote the professional and personal development of each employee according to their personal strengths. Cooperative leadership creates individual freedom and cooperation on an equal footing, in which openness, transparency and information flow are practised – as a basis for cooperation that is characterized by reliability.

There are many good reasons. We are pleased to present “20 good reasons for KANZAN“.

We are very lucky with our location in the paper town of Düren. Although KANZAN has only been around since 1990, our plant has been in existence for more than 300 years. It is therefore a matter of course for us to integrate
ourselves into this community as citizens and neighbours, to get involved in local business, employer and environmental associations and
to strengthen community spirit and cohesion.

Our commitment manifests itself in different ways – and perhaps the most important one we cannot control. Many people at KANZAN are involved in voluntary work in the Dürener Land region: in the voluntary fire department, in the carnival, in sports clubs, in environmental protection, in social projects – the list is long. KANZAN is really proud of these volunteers!

The company is a committed supporter in social and cultural areas. For example, in the promotion of young people who are helped to graduate from school through close extracurricular support. Or it is about the healing power of music, which is brought to social or medical places. For these people, mostly outside our field of vision, these concerts mean access to the world. KANZAN supports individuals who are incredibly committed to creating new perspectives for people and families in need or who simply organize a meal for otherwise lonely people at Christmas. In the cultural sector, KANZAN supports Düren’s museums and selected cultural events, which can only exist thanks to the great and passionate commitment of volunteers.

We would also like to mention one of our commitments by name, as it takes place right outside our factory gates: The “Rütger-Kids” have named themselves after Rütger-von-Scheven-Straße. That’s where they live. And it was Rütger von Scheven who founded the factory that is now our site in 1710. What could be more obvious than promoting their vacation activities? That’s what we do. And we really enjoy it!